Full Professor at the Université de Lorraine (Nancy)
German Linguistics and Contrastive Linguistics (German-French)
UFR Arts, Lettres et Langues
Département Langues et Cultures Etrangères
Research Laboratory: ATILF- Analyse et Traitement Informatique de la Langue Française (UMR 7118) - CNRS & Université de Lorraine
Orcid ID: 0000-0001-8275-6060
2009-2010: Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation
2021-2022: Coordinator of the Alliance 4EU+-project European Network of German and Contrastive Linguistics (GerCoLiNet)
2018-2022: Member of the International Scientific Council (= Internationaler Wissenschaftlicher Rat) at the IDS
2023-...: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat) at the Leibniz-Institute of German Language (IDS) Mannheim, Germany
2024-...: Head of the Germanopôle lorrain of the House of Human Sciences Lorraine
2024-2025: Bimonthly lecture series organised by the Germanopôle Lorrain (MSH L): ‘Gender linguistic research - crossed perspectives Germany - France - Luxembourg’ / ‘Genderlinguistik pluriperspektivisch: Deutschland - Frankreich - Luxemburg’. Programme and details HERE.